Jinhongbo is a professional skincare capsules manufacturer, specialising in bath oil bead and hair soft capsule for 25 years.

What are the soft capsule processing methods of Guangdong soft capsule manufacturers? -Processing common problems-cosmetic soft capsules-soft capsules_soft capsules

by:Jinhongbo     2021-10-01
The cosmetic capsule market is very large, spreading across many fields. In order to adapt to the entire market, the processing methods of Guangdong capsule manufacturers have gradually shown a trend of segmentation and diversification. So what processing methods do Guangdong capsule manufacturers have? Here to talk about the processing methods of capsule manufacturers: ODM; processing with supplied materials; custom-made samples. 1. The ODM needs to process the soft capsuleproducts according to the brand, and the brand only needs to provide relevant certificates. Guangdong capsule manufacturers will provide one-stop processing services, including: brand planning, formula, processing and production, packaging design and procurement, raw materials, and marketing planning. 2. Similarly, according to the capsule products that the brand needs to process, the brand owner needs to provide relevant certificates and the outer packaging of the product. Of course, the outer packaging can also be provided to the capsule manufacturer. With this processing method, capsule manufacturers only need to provide services such as formulas, raw materials, processing and production, and send the finished products to the brand after completion. 3. The relevant certificates provided by the supplier of processing with supplied materials are indispensable. The processing method of processing with supplied materials will also provide formulas and raw materials. Cosmetic capsule manufacturers only need to complete the processing and production services. Fourth, in addition to providing relevant certificates, the brand party needs to provide samples or brand products. Guangdong capsule manufacturers copy according to the needs of the brand party. After the copy is completed, it is given to the brand party for trial, and the trial is satisfied. Similarly, the brand side also needs to provide outer packaging, which can also be provided by the capsule manufacturer. Guangdong-Master the technology of capsule production and development, and undertake cooperation in the processing of capsules such as cosmetics, hair brighteners, bath beads, etc.! There are various cooperation methods for processing with supplied materials, OEM processing, ODM processing, and processing with samples. Consultation: 13926066096.
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